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  5. 长安三万里讲啥

Harbin Architectural Style

Harbin, the humanities style of landscape architecture, distinctive style, set the North and foreign customs and traditional culture all in one, both on behalf of the local religious culture and Confucian Temple Kek Lok Si Temple, and the church all kinds of strange shapes; as the "first in Asia Steel Tower "dragon tower stands proudly, shine, is the pride of New Longjiang. Unique resources in Harbin ice and snow, mountains and vast lakes, thick rough and bold European style folk customs of the North each other, this constitutes a beautiful picture of Harbin, she quietly leaned in the Songhua River, just waiting for people to go in detail to look and taste.

中文—检测语言—阿尔巴尼亚文***文爱沙尼亚语保加利亚文波兰语朝鲜语丹麦语德语俄语法语菲律宾文芬兰语盖尔文(爱尔兰)荷兰语加泰罗尼亚文(西班牙)捷克语克罗地亚文拉脱维亚语立陶宛语罗马尼亚语马耳他文挪威语葡萄牙语日语瑞典语塞尔维亚文斯拉维尼亚文斯洛伐克文泰文土耳其文乌克兰文西班牙语希伯来语希腊语匈牙利语意大利语印度文印尼文英语越南文中文 > 英语—阿尔巴尼亚文***文爱沙尼亚语保加利亚文波兰语朝鲜语丹麦语德语俄语法语菲律宾文芬兰语盖尔文(爱尔兰)荷兰语加泰罗尼亚文(西班牙)捷克语克罗地亚文拉脱维亚语立陶宛语罗马尼亚语马耳他文挪威语葡萄牙语日语瑞典语塞尔维亚文斯拉维尼亚文斯洛伐克文泰文土耳其文乌克兰文西班牙语希伯来语希腊语匈牙利语意大利语印度文印尼文英语越南文中文(繁体)中文(简体) 互换



感谢您为 Google 翻译提供翻译建议。我们会利用您的建议在将来更新我们的系统时提高翻译质量。 Harbin Brief Introduction <br> <br> Harbin in China's administrative territory, Harbin, Heilongjiang is located in the northeast border of the wings To fly like a swan, and the provincial capitals - Harbin, like this under Swan jewel. Pigeons fluttering, St. Sofia Church St. from the solemn tone; sunny, Sun Island evoke fond memories; European sentiments, the Central ***enue building radiates with Eastern European-style elegance of Paris; snow, ice and snow Dashijie neon lead a paradise dream; snow riding, Nordic rivals Yabuli Ski Resort ... ... the beautiful Songhua River meandering through, wash away the years of Bards,洗尽铅华, the night seemed to Yin Harbin诗般about her如梦似幻of Many Lives, Many Masters. <br> <br> <br> <br> A long history of Harbin <br> <br> A long history of Harbin, Harbin, is part of the Qing dynasty in the birthplace of two generations, "Harbin" The name is from the Manchu language "Al-Kam" came into, which means honor, honor. Modern Harbin began in the late 19th century the rise of the early 20th century, it is never a wall of the city, is the first open awareness, Harbin characteristics of the first international city. <br> <br> <br> <br> End of the 19th century, Russia built here in the Middle East in the railroads, at that time, more than 30 countries, more than 16 residents gathered in this unprecedented economic and cultural prosperity so that at the time of Harbin in Northeast Asia has become one of the most prestigious international business center in the classic Western culture mastered here, passed down from generation to generation, Harbin is still kept a lot of European-style buildings, only the central street of this长街of 1400 meters on the stands of Byzantine, Baroque, Renaissance and many other fine buildings, therefore, Harbin has always been a "Little Paris", "Oriental Moscow" reputation. City Building Chinese and western style sharp. Humanity has a long history, not only meta-history and culture of northern ethnic minorities, but also Chinese and Western culture combined with the city. Majestic St. Sofia church, the mysterious atmosphere of the Nikolai church, the Russian style wooden Kit Kat, chic and elegant Gothic buildings, the streets of central European architecture, construction Yajie bright colors, false picture, such as downtown Kam-city style, the annual "Summer of Harbin" Concert, "Ice and Snow Festival" international ice sculpture competition雪塑, as well as "International Trade Fair", all a reflection of "Oriental Moscow" unique charm. <br> <br> <br> <br> Harbin Central Street <br> <br> Fitch said, "Harbin First Street," the central street, the best manifestation of "Oriental Moscow" and the rich connotation. Central ***enue is the Street of Harbin, of Street, the protection of streets and landmark streets, pedestrian street, building arts Street, the busy commercial street, touri***, leisure Street, Public Culture Street, and was (the twentieth century thirties) the Far East's most famous immigration Street, the most prosperous commercial street, Street, Culture Street, the street on both sides of co shops, restaurants hotels, dance halls theaters, restaurants, bar. Street construction, dome protruding, high-arch windows, or the elegance of classical, or tall and straight and beautiful, with a common origin in the 15, the sixth century of the Renaissance, the beginning of the seven***th century Baroque, eclectic, and 19 the end of the century the beginning of the twentieth century Art Nouveau architecture. <br> <br> <br> <br> Street built like Continental and Continental Building 71, a collection of European-style city-level protection of the Building 13. These buildings reflects the essence of Western architecture, the whole of Central ***enue is an art gallery building. Today, repair of large-scale European-style - for the "Oriental Moscow" icing on the cake - the streets h***e been successfully completed, is currently the largest in Asia's longest pedestrian street, six different styles of West Street, West 7 Street, Central Mall, vehicles plant 4 in front of the building, such as leisure residential areas, constitute a central street set leisure, entertainment, touri***, shopping as one of the city's new landscape, the "Oriental Moscow" to highlight the characteristics of the more tempting attention. <br> <br> <br> <br> Harbin ice and snow culture <br> <br> Harbin is located in the most northern tip of China, a long summer of short winter, cool and pleasant in summer, long cold winter, snow and ice Jiufu prestigious culture, the "Bards" of Harbin is the ice and snow touri***, summer leisure destination. There Harbin Asia's largest ski resort - Ski Resort and Yabuli Erlong山滑雪场, Europe and Asia, such as the window of dozens of ski equipment, large scale, the size of ski touri*** venues; annual "Harbin ice and snow Day "is a major snow and ice resources, meetings, Bing-Feng Lin, silver jade carved block of Ice snow everywhere, dazzling visions. <br> <br> <br> <br> Harbin scenery <br> <br> Harbin has beautiful scenery and the natural scene in this fertile soil, lush forests, Jiangchuan aspect, there is the largest closed hunting ground - Yuquan hunting ground; largest wild tiger training base in custody -东北虎林园; Sun Island, the Second Yongsan, scenic spots, such as松峰山is varied scenery, just to name a few. <br> <br> <br> <br> Harbin Architectural Style <br> <br> Harbin, the humanities style of landscape architecture, distinctive style, set the North and foreign customs and traditional culture all in one, both on behalf of the local religious culture and Confucian Temple Kek Lok Si Temple, and the church all kinds of strange shapes; as the "first in Asia Steel Tower "dragon tower stands proudly, shine, is the pride of New Longjiang. Unique resources in Harbin ice and snow, mountains and vast lakes, thick rough and bold European style folk customs of the North each other, this constitutes a beautiful picture of Harbin, she quietly leaned in the Songhua River, just waiting for people to go in detail to look and taste







Presentation speech most charming town

Asia, the birthplace of the most beautiful wetland in Inner Mongolian Ergun Shiwei

Blue sky, green grass, birch forest, the mysterious prairie agate, when rapid relief of the water raising the most beautiful wetlands of Asia, but also raising a hard-working people here. On the fertile flood out of the great Mongolian, Mongonia warm house, it is now China and Russia multiply the descendants of the land. Yellow skin, blue eyes, a man of wisdom and passion for a woman created Shiwei, China, an example of multi-ethnic harmony.

China's first World Heritage village in Anhui Xidi Hongcun

Its site planning, construction and development, after eight years, concentration of traditional Chinese agricultural civilization of the sustainable development achievements. The magic of artificial water Unique Structures, open bionics precedent. Houses, ancestral halls, the Church preserved, adhering to the ancestral hall culture. Couplets, plaque demonstrated merchants refined, stone, ceramic grilles are sustenance farmers feelings. Xidi Hongcun, the museum houses the Ming and Qing, is today a model of integration between man and nature.

The world-famous World Geopark in Fujian Taining

Tibetan town in the mountains of the Han and Tang Dynasties, Song Dynasty under Wuyishan city, different styles of landform, and the combination of the vast lake, the world-famous achievements of the world geological park. 1 Four Scholars, river and two champion, is located in the hometown of Confucius southeast legacy, exorcise rough, bridge lamp Qingli, there are ***all bridges Taining the scenery, not that their big he***y.

Clean water through the city than others to make pillows River Zhejiang Wuzhen

Grand C*** side of the town, although not all three NG, still prosperous since ancient times. Clean water through the city before, people do pillow River water by the window, beside the bridge and as the chrysanthemum, blue printing, three white, traditional property affected the south China for hundreds of years of life. Fist City Gao Gan Hong boat to the unique folk culture of southern Xianglv a pulse tran***ission. Society for Ming Jian Qing Li College, achievements generations Hongru. Talent is more than the so-called south, Wuzhen is up.

Rare in the history of the castle in the world building a ***all town in Shanxi Zhangbi

This is a rare pocket in the world history of architecture town, 0.1 square kilometers, Castle Road, palaces and temples of various buildings offer a variety of military religion, folk-cultural blend of history, can be into retreat. Town planning its greatly superior, fish-shaped mouth Long Lane, Peacock glass everywhere, thought Kit Kat. Zhang wall, the temple deities Italy, Ming Qi Fort underground passage.

Xiang River Lijiang River in Guangxi Xing confluence of two major river systems

The throat connecting the Xiang River Li River water vital, two rewrite the history of China's miraculous land. 1 ling qu achievements of China's reunification cause, but also demonstrate the wisdom of the first people to pioneer irrigation channel. Watch doumen the steep Army of the Qin to the courage and custom implant Chu Vietnam, so here's character has just too soft. Old trees, Guxiang deep, clear water Water Street, Lingqu has a soul, Hung Yen, the two major river systems where the show is pregnant.

Land of plenty and cultural powerhouse of Zhejiang Nanxun

Lake side of the land of plenty, ancient town in the cultural powerhouse. Radius of ten miles, five gardens, courtyards everywhere deep; a town land of silk is known, has been extremely wealthy; Ka Yip library building, deep culture; string and wind curl, poetic interpretation of rivers and lakes; cultural atmosphere, and busines***en gathered South is good, most memories are Nanxun.

Mellow old South Jiangsu Tongli Water Town

Five lakes in the outside environment, a town included in, the river split it into seven blocks, 30 bridges it Clusters town. Every family near the water, every household through shipping, mellow fishing village, old South. Retreat Park Delicate elegant, Mihashi two legacy still around, has rich soil, popular since the graceful and elegant, in keeping with today's rich past grace.

Shek Wan pottery southern Guangdong

Five thousand years of ceramic history, five hundred years does not put out the fire kiln, a ***all figurine pottery, intoxicated with the whole world. 40% of the ceramic products around the world from here, the national one-seventh of a master craft***an in here a handful of soil through their hands, they walked into the thousands of families. San Shek Wan, southern pottery.

Location of the largest villages in Yunnan rolls Library

Six hundred years of history g***e birth to the very side of town, three blocks into the Pearl of Silk Road cultural interchange. ***all village, there the country's largest village library; few people stay there most of the world. Hometown generation of philosophers, Jade King home. ***all bridges the Jiangnan style, volcanic hot springs is a su***ropical scenery. More platforms Shenxiang Laundry P***ilion, expanse Daiwa, Shakes The Barley ei***owe with one ***ooth harmony. Rolls, a ***all town in southern Yunnan, reap the f***orable factors.










西周时期,周成王时周公营雒邑,此为成周城所在,是西周王朝的东都,直属于周天子。东周时期,雒邑为首都,其余大体和西周时期相同。 战国时期,雒邑改称雒阳。 秦置三川郡,郡治雒阳,辖今三门峡市(除灵宝外)、洛阳市(栾川西部除外)、巩义市、荥阳市、郑州市区、中牟县、原阳县。

西汉时期,此地区东部为东都洛阳为中心的河南郡,西部属弘农郡。从这一时期开始,“河南”正式成为行政区划中的一个地理名词,直到清朝。在这两千多年的历史里,“河南郡”、“河南尹”或者“河南府”一直特指此以洛阳为中心的地区。此时的河南郡,辖今偃师市、孟津县、巩义市、荥阳市、郑州市区、中牟县、新郑县、新密市、原阳县、汝阳县、伊川县、汝州市。西部属弘农郡的有天的三门峡市全部、宜阳县、新安县、洛宁县、嵩县、栾川县已经现在南阳市和陕西省的部分地区。 东汉时期,河洛地区的建制与西汉时期基本相同,只是河南郡改为河南尹,辖区不变。

三国时期,属曹魏。雒阳改称洛阳行政建制基本上沿袭东汉。河南尹有所扩大,此时的河南尹包括今天的偃师市、孟津县、巩义市、荥阳市、郑州市区、中牟县、新郑县、新密市、原阳县、汝阳县、伊川县、汝州市、登封市、禹州市、嵩县。跟两汉时期相比,多了登封、禹州、嵩县。 西晋时期,大体仍然沿袭两汉旧制。不同之处在于,河南尹又改回河南郡,同时东部析置荥阳郡,包含今天的荥阳市、郑州市区、中牟县、新郑市、新密市、原阳县。同时河南尹向西有所扩展,包含了新安县和宜阳县东部。此时,河南郡包含的地区有偃师、孟津、巩义、登封、汝州、伊川、汝阳、禹州、嵩县、新安。

东晋十六国时期,天下大乱,行政区划已不可考。唯一可以肯定的是,河洛地区仍为以洛阳为中心的河南郡。附近的其他各郡基本没有变化。 北魏统一北方后,迁都洛阳,又改河南郡为河南尹。另置渑池郡,其他各郡无变化。但新设了很多县。 隋朝统一天下,复改河南尹为河南郡,以东都洛阳为中心。辖今偃师、孟津、巩义、登封、伊川、嵩县、宜阳、新安、渑池、陕县等地。汝州、汝阳该属襄城郡,郡治从襄城迁到汝州。 唐朝区划变化很大。河南郡改为都畿道河南府,仍以洛阳为中心。辖区比隋朝的河南郡有所扩大,加入了今禹州市、新密市、洛宁县、济源市、温县、孟州市。


五代十国又是天下大乱,增设陕州、孟州(很可能是唐朝中后期设置的),所以河南府的辖区很可能又回到隋朝河南郡的范围。 北宋时期河南府以西京洛阳为中心,辖今日巩义、登封、渑池、偃师、孟津、伊川、新安、宜阳、洛宁、嵩县 南宋时期金国河南府辖区有所缩小,辖今日巩义、登封、渑池、偃师、孟津、新安、宜阳大部、伊川小部分地区 元朝设河南江北行省,从此以后,“河南”所指代的范围不再限于河洛地区。不过以洛阳为中心的河南府一直存在到清朝末年,只是作为河南江北行省或者河南省的次级行政区。此时的河南府路向西扩展,收纳了灵宝、陕县、洛宁。其他方向不变。 明朝河南府进一步扩大,又增加了卢氏、栾川、嵩县、伊川大部 清朝从河南府析置陕州,包括今天的陕县、灵宝、卢氏,以及栾川一部分地区。





夏王朝是中国历史上出现的第一个王朝。据《竹书纪年》的记载推算,夏王朝存在的时间在公元前21世纪至公元前16世纪之间,有470多年的历史,历经17位帝王。 洛阳一带是夏民族建邦立国的腹地。夏朝的第一个国王禹,始都阳城,后迁阳翟。阳城在登封,阳翟在禹州,均离洛阳不远。夏王朝的第三个帝王太康(启之子)都斟鄩。古本《竹书纪年》记载:“太康居斟鄩。”今本《竹书纪年》又载:“仲康即帝位,据斟(寻卩)。”《史记·夏本记》云:“太康居斟鄩、羿亦居之,桀又居之”。羿即后羿,为东方夷族的一个首领,他乘太康无道、夏民怨愤,入居斟鄩,执政,拒太康于外。太康卒,扶仲康即王位,仍居斟鄩,后被其亲信寒浞杀死。 斟鄩在何处?目前说法不一。《国语·周语上》载:“昔伊、洛竭,而夏亡。”证明斟鄩在伊洛区内。《史记·孙子吴起列传》载:“夏桀之居,左河济右泰华,伊阙在其南,羊肠在其北。”洛阳正处在这个位置。 1959年,中国考古研究所在洛阳辖区偃师二里头进行考古发掘,发现二里头一带是一座大型都城遗址,定名为“二里头文化”。经碳14测定,其绝对年代相当于夏代,距今有4000 多年的历史,是一座夏代的大型都城遗址。总面积为3.75平方公里。内有大型宫殿遗址。考古学家认定,二里头文化遗址就是夏代都城遗址,即夏都斟鄩的所在地。夏代太康、仲康、夏桀三帝王曾建都于此。《帝王世纪》记载:太康在位29年。《通鉴外纪》记载:仲康在位52年,夏朝都斟鄩94年。









Changxing - my hometown

Is located in northern zhejiang and the Yangtze river delta hinterland, the conjugate the portal, the neighboring location is superior, the mound people is abundant.

Wu yue supremacy, hu***and will start fortification mind minzhu for three years, jin made receives, the humanities ceremony, accumulation and deep.

Mountain geological "golden spike", see alligators, Ann ***all pu gingko gallery, reveals the ancient history of survival in changxing in one hundred million; Around the unearthed stone, pottery, bronze, porcelain, record for nearly 400000 years since the changxing is enclosed within the walls of mileage. Excellent ecological environment, has created the diversity of species; Rich human living conditions, g***e birth to the brilliant of regional culture.

Chen Baxian be founding emperor, JiWenZhi martial arts series half, jiangdong emperor as the most virtuous; Chaking Liu Yuhui Gu Zhuzi bamboo shoots, lead YanZhenQing, bai juyi, liu yuxi Liu Guimeng, PiRiXiu, Du Mu stars such as gathering and emperor attention; "Journey to the west", the author wu chengen founding changxing XianCheng 16 official, with the great astronomer GuiYouGuang co-govermnet county, pass for historical stories; Anti-japanese star SuYu rate of iron man "and" false by changxing battled dense people considered a national hero.









长安(拼音:Cháng ān;英文:hang'an;韦氏拼音:Ch'ang-an;关中古音:Cháng nǎn意为“长治久安”,与罗马、开罗、雅典并称为世界四大古都;中华文明史及东方文明史上最负盛名的全球著名都城。

